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Eric's Credentials and Certifications

  • Bachelor of Science BS, Kinesiology, San Jose State University (SJSU)
  • HITUni Certified Personal Trainer
  • ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Eric Fong has spent his life exploring different sports and activities. As a child, he played basketball, tennis, soccer, golf, biking, karate, baseball, and swam. The sport that stuck the most was baseball, which he then went on to play until his senior year of high school.

Unfortunately, baseball led to several major injuries including a trapezius and quadriceps tear. Through months of physical therapy and speaking with his school’s athletic trainer, Eric developed an interest in learning about the human body and rehabilitation. He got his bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in rehabilitation at San Jose State University in 2021.

Eric had several internships throughout his time at San Jose State. He worked as a GoodHealth intern, where he served as a peer educator and mentor for over 60 local high school special needs students. He also worked as a Timpany Center Intern, where he led private and group fitness classes for clients with osteoarthritis in order to help them regain strength and mobility.

Soon after graduation, Eric got a job as a physical therapist aide. He assisted physical therapists and worked hands-on with clients to make sure their health and strength improved through exercise.

Afterward, Eric decided to pursue personal training, and received his first certification through ISSA. At TNT, Eric teaches clients how to work effectively and efficiently through two strength workouts per week.

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