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Ryan's Credentials and Certifications

  • Bachelor of Science BS, Kinesiology with emphasis on Rehabilitation Sciences, San Jose State University (SJSU)
  • HITUni Certified Personal Trainer

Ryan Salcedo has spent his life exploring many different athletics. Growing up, he played a variety of sports such as volleyball, basketball, football. He began training in skiing when he was just 4 years old. The first sport he fell in love with and still hasn’t faded was basketball which started in junior high. 

Throughout Ryan’s basketball years, he suffered many different types of injuries including ankle fractures in both and a torn labrum. The recovery process was either through surgery or physical therapy. Taking the physical therapy route, he was intrigued by the rehabilitation process he had just experienced. He would later on earn his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology with emphasis in rehabilitation sciences at San Jose State University 2022. 

Growing up, Ryan was always told by his parents to not strength train because it would hinder his growth, but as he entered his college years, many of his friends would strength train before or after class which led him to strength train as well. One workout was all it took for him to get hooked onto it. 

Ryan’s long term goal was to become a physical therapist. His first experience with professional athletes training was when he worked as an intern for the San Jose Earthquakes soccer team. He was able to learn how to tape athletes and help with their stretches. 

A couple months go by after graduating college, Ryan decided to adventure out to Los Angeles to help build up his experience for his next step of getting a doctorate degree for physical therapy. He lands at Casa Colina Rehabilitation Hospital in Pomona where he worked as a physical therapist aide. He was able to be side by side with physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech therapist. He was tasked with leading the clients strength and balance exercises.

Ryan had hoped to continue his education for physical therapy, but with much dissuasion from the therapists he worked with and debt that would come with pursuing more education, he decided to go in another direction for his career. 

Struggling to find what to do with his bachelors in kinesiology and love for exercising, Ryan was introduced to personal training at TNT Strength by his long time friend Eric Fong. With a bachelor’s in kinesiology, HITUNI personal training certification, and TNT Strength’s apprenticeship, Ryan plunged straight into strength training with his mentors Liam and Jesse. 

Ryan’s workout routine was the bro split which consisted of chest & back one day, legs on another, and arms on the last day. Through research and guidance by his mentors, he was able to efficiently and effectively have a full body workout in only 30 minutes. He has seen better results from his workouts compared to his previous routine. 

At TNT Strength, Ryan teaches his clients how to strength train efficiently and effectively through two strength workouts

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