Micronized Creatine is essentially creatine monohydrate, except it has been micronized, which means the molecules of creatine have been divided or cut up. This increases their surface area 20 times, increasing absorption and reducing stomach discomfort. Pros: Essentially the same as monohydrate but with a larger surface area and smaller molecules, so the same amazing effects of monohydrate. Greatly reduces potential unwanted monohydrate side effects such as bloating and stomach discomfort. More effective than monohydrate, and most monohydrate non-responders should respond to this. Purer than monohydrate because it goes through more refinement processes.
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TNT Strength is an interchangeable team of evidence-based strength coaches committed to helping people become the best versions of themselves through supervised strength training. We work with everyone from professional athletes to adults in their 90s both in our studio located in Oakland, California and around the world through virtual coaching.
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